Monday, August 27, 2012

all the girls had long hair, all the boys had long hair, you were missing out

My favorite male model (Matt Hitt!!!!) is in a new band, and here's a perfect summer song from their awesome EP. If you like The Vaccines or The Smiths I suggest you take a listen.

It's been a while! All I can remember of the past week is that I went hiking last weekend (Not this past one, but the one before) and it was so cool! I'm so proud of myself for not jumping off the mountain halfway through. The rest of the week is kind of a blur from what I remember, but my parents had their 26th wedding anniversary and they wanted to take us to Hyde Park (the NY one, not London I wish) for a picnic but the weather sucked so we downgraded to Red Robin for dinner.

On Wednesday I went to Six Flags with my two sisters and a few friends and it was really fun! We went to Panera for dinner afterwards which was a nice break from the pretzels I was snacking on all day. I think we also went to Borders (where my sister found a magazine with Blur on the cover, obviously bought that) and then went to Starbucks and went home. The next day all I remember is watching the Darjeeling Limited and eating taco salad. I was really sore from some of the rides from the previous day.

We got our schedules for the new school year (I'm now a junior?!) on Friday night, and my classes are pretty good! I found at least one friend in my lunch period (thank god) but both of my sisters are in my french class. Ugh. That's what you get for being a triplet and all taking french. I haven't been in a class with either of them since 8th grade, so this will be interesting?

And as for the weekend; on Saturday I watched Boy Meets World and slept all day. Yesterday (Sunday) I hung out in Saratoga and got some frozen yogurt and walked around in some thrift stores. It was so hot out yesterday.

My dad forced me to clean my room today, because my room is horribly messy. So that was my day. I'm currently on a "break" because my parents are out right now and I needed to eat dinner. Also, it was my brother's first day of college! I actually forgot about that until he came home and told me about his classes. I'm so excited for later this week, though, because my sisters and I are going with friends to Rhode Island for the rest of the week! That should be a really nice end to the summer, because school starts next Wednesday.

Have a great week!

I should probably start proof-reading these.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

la chinoise

I'm too tired to update you all on my life. Nothing's changed. It's been a typical week in the life of Emily Smith.

I watched this movie the other day. It was really cool. As much as I like Jean-luc Godard's films, I did not get the point of this movie but it was visually amusing anyways.

La Chinoise - 1967

This is also the third film I've seen with Jean-Pierre Leaud in it (next to Made in the USA and Masculin Feminin) and I can establish that he was (emphasis on was) a megababe. Always nice to see.
Have a good day.

Monday, August 6, 2012

de la plage ensolelilee

I learned most of the lyrics to this song in the past month. Awesome.

What has happened in the past few days? Well I lost the back of my phone while jogging on Thursday morning, so now I have to be extra careful with my phone. Which sucks. But oh well. Then I slept in my friend Gaby's treehouse that night and it was a fun night. I barely slept, and slept on her couch while watching Hawaii Five-O the following morning. I think I cleaned the house when I got home that afternoon and then ate some pizza and that was my Friday. On Saturday I watched a lot of Netflix, and saw Ewan McGregor's penis twice, in 2 different movies. Fascinating. I saw Dark Knight Rises with friends that night. It was really good. On Sunday I can't remember doing anything. Really. Today my friend came over and we watched Workaholics and my mom made chicken parmesan because we usually have that when she's over so it was cool. I had a nice Monday. I think someone's coming over tomorrow, I usually don't know about my plans until an hour beforehand. I want to order a pizza tomorrow. My summer diet of chips, tea, cookies and chocolate does wonders for my abs. Kidding about the abs. It's really a miracle that I'm not even a tiny bit overweight considering I'm always eating and I rarely exercise. I'm watching the Godfather with my brother now and I think I'm just going to go to bed now.

It's been nice. Good night.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

breakfast blog!

When I woke up this morning, I actually felt motivated to make myself a good breakfast, and not the usual yogurt or cereal. So I made myself an omelet on toast and I'm so proud :'-)
I used one egg, a couple splashes of milk, whisked that mixture, and then when it was done cooking I sprinkled some shredded cheese on it and then went outside to get some fresh basil to sprinkle on it. I don't know what kind of bread that is but it's delicious as toast. I am very pleased with myself. I took a little photoshoot with it (yes, I am one of those people) and here is a picture of my breakfast: 

Have a nice day!